星期一, 4月 24, 2006


看着这BE form,心想怎么每年都觉得它很陌生,每年总会有几栏不明白,如A7栏的“Ketetapan Umum Dipatuhi”,同事之间谈起都会问问这栏应添什么?到后来经过亲切的LHDN人员解释,却原来任何人都必须答“Ya”,既然如此就不知为了什么还需 要这题?为了让Bahagian A凑足20题吗?然后又有一些模棱两可的部分,真不明白为什么要把缴税单搞得这么复杂?
The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax
--Albert Einstein

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

wah..u pay a lot ? then salary must be very high lor.. ei, teach me to do investment la..

singth 提到...

All my hard earned money is from my daily job, which has been squeezing every single drop of my blood everyday. So far only a few hundreds is from my investment.

By the way, when u know the tax we are paying is going to be spent like nothing by the government, or some are even going into someone's pocket, i really really dun feel like paying any cent to government, AT ALL!